
Alter Views sort by taxonomy weight

Submitted by christophe on Mon, 03/10/2016 - 19:10

The use case is that we want to sort a list of users by job title, where job title is a term reference to a dedicated vocabulary.
The sort is done by the job title term weight (defined via the vocabulary list).

I choosed to apply a custom sort function on a view, instead of a custom dynamic / entity query for two reasons :

Behat : affordable testing for small to medium client projects

Submitted by christophe on Sun, 08/11/2015 - 13:46

One of the many amazing sessions given at the DrupalCamp Leuven 2015 was about tests applied to small / medium sized projects. I was a bit sceptical, we all agree that testing should be part of any development process, but it can run you quickly out of budget on small projects. @pfrenssen has just proven the opposite.

Running Drupal 8 on Koding.com

Submitted by christophe on Sun, 15/03/2015 - 19:12

I wondered if there was a solution to play around with Drupal 8 on a Chromebook (super cheap hardware / "everything in the cloud model" with a 16G SSD).

After some reddit I discovered that Koding.com provides you freely, in the browser, a VM / terminal plus a text editor for PHP and other popular languages (Ruby, Python, ...).

Open up your Koding Terminal and cd in the Web directory (default, single docroot for a VM).

cd Web

Use +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch option in .htaccess for Drupal on Virtualmin

Submitted by christophe on Sat, 08/11/2014 - 21:47

The default Drupal 8 .htaccess provides +FollowSymLinks.

There is an old discussion about that on the Virtualmin forum.

patch is under creation for Drupal 8. It changes the Options +FollowSymLinkson the root .htaccess directory.


Options +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch

You should also change this on the sites/default/files .htaccess